Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Falling asleep at Church may give God mixed signals

Ever wonder why people go to church? So many ministers I have come across in my travels try to find out the opposite answer to that question "Why do people not come to church?" And they come up with a varitey of answers...people think its boring, they are not engaged, they dont like the pastor or another person in the church...and the list goes on and on.

What if there was a way to motiviate people towards Christ through talking about why people do go to church. Their answers might shock you, but for the purpose of this entry I need to go back to the beginning.

Today as I was prepring for the Wednesday night Bible study something was wrong. I could not focus on what God wanted me to teach so I went into the sanctuary to become less distracted. However in the sanctuary I went to sleep...not exactly good for a minister. Realizings that I couldnt stay awake I moved on to other things but God did not move on from speaking to me.
Later in the day God showed me that me reason for being in the sanctuary was good, but my heart was not in the right place. I was not internally movativted, plus I was sleeepy. If I am going to have a time with the creator of the universe then I might want to stay awake...maybe.
How often do people come to church and miss God? I would assert many. The sanctuary for some has lost its meaning or they have lost their drive to connect with God there?
At the end of the day, worship of God is relationship and we showed our love for Him through honest desire to be with Him. People must be driven by that desire in order for them to be at church on a consist basis.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good pictures up there. You must be a good picture taker person.
